Thursday, January 6, 2011

Favorite Discoveries of 2010

As I'm starting to get ready to start the new semester in a few weeks I decide it might be fun to look back at some of the things I discovered and loved in 2010.
1. Lush: I've mentioned it before but I can't get enough of these products. I've become an addict and I've now gotten my sister and mom loving them too.
2. Cooking: I've loved learning to cook more this year, and I've become obsessed with trying new things and new recipes.
3. Minnetonka Moccasins: I bought a pair this summer when we were on vacation and I now wear them almost every day. They are so comfortable!
4. Kindle: Again, I know I've talked about this before, and I only got one at christmas but I absolutely love it!
5. Keurig: I got one for my dorm room and I love it, it make its so easy to have a good cup of coffee with me for my 8 am classes or work shifts. I absolutely hate the coffee my school has in the dinning hall so this is much easier and cheaper then going to the coffee shop every morning.
6. Ugg Boots: I was completely against Ugg boots for years and years but I bought a pair of fake Uggs one day at Marshalls when the shoes I was wearing were hurting and it was cold out. I was amazed how warm my feet were. I still think they make feet look huge and oddly shaped but I have completely conformed now. I love them and wear them all the time. As much as it pains me to say it, I may have been to quick to judge the Ugg Boot.
What are some things that you discovered and loved in 2010?
Until next time Happy Blogging!


  1. so jealous that you have a Keurig!! I have got to get one. I'm glad to hear you like it!

  2. Love the Keurig. I've been wanting one for some time.

    I became more obsessed with Pashimina Scarves in 2010. I went to Turkey and came back with 10 more. I also started to love Benefit makeup over other brands as well as become obsessed with other boots besides my comfy Uggs!!

  3. Lush is soo great!! The Karma kream and the bubble bars are my fav!

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